Sunday, November 15, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

Natural disasters are synonymous with uncolored hazards. Sometimes, the digit are modify interchanged. Actually, there is a thin margin that defines the difference of the two.

Natural hazards are dangers that should be foreseen in nature same earthquakes and tidal waves. A uncolored jeopardize becomes a uncolored hardship if it has casualties.

In his aggregation Mapping Vulnerability:
, Development, and People (2003), G. Bankoff discussed that uncolored disasters are the outcome of uncolored hazard. Examples of which are extrusive eruption, earthquake, landslide, and another incidence that no manlike crapper stop. These uncolored disasters affect manlike lives and activities, that they crapper kill or inflict economic instability to a destined locality.

Human vulnerability, exacerbated by the lack of planning or appropriate emergency management, leads to financial, environmental, or manlike losses,” discussed Bankoff.

They are phenomena caused by nature that hit negative personalty and haw drive harm or modify outlay the lives of people.

In analyzing a uncolored disaster, one haw also ponder on the maxim that “disasters occur when hazards meet vulnerability.” B. Wisner, P. Blaikie, T. Cannon, and I.

Davis explained in their aggregation At Risk – Natural Hazards, People’s Vulnerability and Disaster (2004) that “natural disasters module never termination in areas without vulnerability.”

Here are some uncolored hazards that eventually outlay uncolored disasters.
An start occurs if deceive from the mountain top, cliff, or formation goes downbound at a speed of more than 160 km/h.

This crapper be very destructive, both in lives and properties, especially if an start occurs to places with many people. Slopes in 30° are in danger of avalanche, especially when deep deceive flows speedily where chances to coher are very limited.

There are a aggregation of factors that drive an avalanche. The most common is noise or explosive vibration. One of the most famous avalanches in history is the Galtür Avalanche in Austria on Feb. 23, 1999.

The said hardship killed 35 people, destroyed houses, and belowground victims under tons of snow. In order to preclude avalanches, some countries designate deceive patrols that detonate explosives in strategic points so smaller, less devastating flows crapper occur.

Earthquake is a explosive quiver of the ground caused by the movement of the science plates which either slide to one another or bump at each other.

Though earthquakes today seem to be very disastrous, in reality, an earthquake lonely barely kills humans or destroys the wildlife. It is the circumstance that comes after the earthquake same building collapse, tsunamis, landslides, volcano eruptions, or fire that kills people.

Geologist Haraldur Sigurdsson, professor of Volcanology at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, said in an interview to Encarta that the deadliest earthquake in the world occurred in Huahsien, China in 1556 which killed 830,000 people. Another earthquake, in Tangshan, China, hierarchical ordinal when it killed 240,000 in 1976.

“Figures of this type become modify more tragic when we realize that the losses of life and property associated with earthquake disasters are almost entirely due to the failure of human-made structures,” he said, citing that some cities are situated on mud covered by grime which exclusive amplified the impact of the earthquake.

Indeed, results of earthquake hit produced destruction and agony to a aggregation of grouping (see the separate article about earthquake).

A landslide is the explosive descent of grime or rocks downbound from a mountain or slope. Landslides are often attributed to illegal logging, which causes mountains to be cropped, making it easier for the grime to be carried away downbound the mountain when heavy rain liquid or when strong wind blows.

Volcanic Eruption
Volcanic activity is another hardship that poses a threat to humans, properties, and agriculture. It is caused by the explosion of a volcano and the start of rocks and pumice that follows afterward. Other devastating personalty of extrusive eruptions are mobility of explosive and hot materials, falling ashes, lava and extrusive debris.

Volcanic eruptions modify in deserted areas crapper be chanceful since ashes crapper be thrown to the atmosphere. These extrusive ashes crapper pose jeopardize to airplanes.

Floods are caused when the grime fails to absorb the liquid that comes from rain or snow. According to Encarta Encyclopedia, (2003), “water runs off the land in quantities that cannot be carried in stream channels or retained in uncolored ponds and constructed reservoirs,” causes flood.

Floods do not exclusive drive alteration to properties, it also hampers the economy of a destined locate and puts danger to the lives of humans and animals.

Strong currents of batch crapper drive grime erosion or sediment deposition that causes the surface of lakes and rivers to rise. The Great Flood in China in 1931 is probably the greatest transcribed batch in history.

It resulted after the Huang He (Yellow River) overflowed, killing between 800,000 and 4 million people.

Limnic Eruption
According to (2007), limnic activity takes locate when copy whitener located deep within a lake erupts.

This activity crapper choke the wildlife, livestock, and humans that live around the lake, causing them to die. Limnic activity haw also drive a wave within a lake as the uprise of copy whitener causes the liquid to move.

According to scientists, limnic activity haw be caused by landslides, extrusive activity, or explosions. The limnic eruptions in Lake Monoun in 1984 and in Lake Nyos in 1986 were the digit well transcribed limnic eruptions in history.

The former killed 10,000 grouping while the latter, though bigger, killed as much as 1, 800 people.

A wave is a Asian articulate for harbor wave. It is a term utilised to describe an undersea earthquake or undersea landslide which often takes locate along the Ring of Fire, 32, 500 km long, which circles the Pacific Ocean. Usually, a wave has a wavelength of up to 200 km and travels to up to 800 km/h.

Tsunamis are wrongly titled as tidal waves because some conceive that tsunamis are caused by gravitational forces. No one crapper detect a wave unless it reaches the alter conception of the water, when the traveling wave
becomes larger.


Cyclonic Storm
Typhoons, hurricanes, and tropical cyclones are the varying names for a destined phenomenon: an Atlantic of low atmospheric pressure surrounded by strong winds that forms on the ocean.

The personalty of typhoons allow flood, destruction of properties, and if severe, it haw outlay the lives of many. Typhoons crapper also drive economic stagnation to a locality, black outs, and modify hunger.

A wildfire is an uncontrollable burning of a panoramic wildland area. The important causes of a wildfire haw be lighting, extremity heat, manlike negligence, and arson.

Wildfires crapper be a threat to both the grouping and the disorderly life. If a disorderly fire worsens, it haw lead to firestorm. A firestorm creates its own wind and defy and crapper modify smash a town, same what happened in 1962 in Centralia, Pennsylvania.

An pestilential is the spread of communicable diseases that commonly affects the mass. An pestilential becomes a pandemic when it affects the entire world. An pestilential haw be short-lived or haw last for years.

It is caused by the rising sort of disease-causing organisms transmitted in matter and drinks, physical contact, or exchange of semen, saliva, or blood.

Animals, such as rats, rodents and insects, titled as vectors, also carry bacteria and viruses that drive an epidemic. There has been a aggregation of instances where epidemics hit claimed the lives of many.

These allow the Bubonic Plague, also famous as the Black Death which ravaged aggregation from 1347-1351 and killed one-fourth of the continent’s population. But it was the Spanish Flu, or the Influenza of 1918-19 that became the worst pestilential in the history.

According to the Dec. 22, 2005 supply of Awake Magazine, “victims die en masse, for there was no trenchant treatment or cure.

Millions of healthy young grouping were suddenly cut downbound during their most productive time of life” and that “majority of those who died were between 20 and 40 eld old.” Other than the digit mentioned, there are also epidemics of lesser degrees that scathe the lives of humans everywhere.

Famine came from the Latin articulate fames meaning hunger. It is the extremity shortage of matter that affects a large Atlantic where victims are commonly children and old people. Famine is caused by digit aspects: uncolored and human. Natural causes allow flood, drought, pestilence, and plant disease.

The manlike causes include: warfare, crop destruction, sieges, and corruption. Famine haw also root from extremity poverty, unequal distribution of food, or the sharp uprise of accumulation that the matter supply could no longer sustain the need of the people, thereby causing malnutrition and death, especially to the infants, children, and the aged.
Solar Flare Solar flare takes locate when the solarise abruptly discharges solar irradiation that’s above the normal. Studies of the sun’s spark hit revealed striking, violent solar flares and coronal accumulation injection (CMEs). These solar flares eject power from the magnetic holes in the corona.

This heats the gases of the spark where particles and irradiation are dispatched to the solar system. According to Randolph Levin and Kenneth Lang (2002), “solar flares release energy equivalent to that of billions of hydrogen bombs in a few brief minutes.”

Manmade hazards and disasters are occurrences caused by man.

Among them are:
Crime is a wrongful conduct where law has been violated. A mortal who performs a crime haw be punished or authorised by the state. They are also considered chanceful to society.

Arson is the intentional and malicious burning of an infrastructure, either clannish or public, houses, or properties. Before, arson was restricted to burning of buildings. Today, burning of bridges, vehicles, and another clannish or open property is already considered arson.

Civil Unrest
Civil unrest, also titled as subject disorder, is a modify of open flutter that causes chaos and hardship to the public. Riot, a modify of subject unrest, is a flutter of open peace after grouping hit illegally assembled. Civil unrests and riots haw lead to casualties and destruction of open properties.

Terrorism haw either be the creation and spread of emotion among the civilians by a assemble of grouping who want to make change in the society or the ingest of violence to create political, social, economic, and religious upheaval.

The ordinal definition haw direct anyone, or modify the mass, so as to call the attention of the government to act upon destined changes.

The most famous act of terrorism was the 9/11 Attack after the Taliban movement high jacked digit airplanes that hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

Here in the Philippines, the Rizal Day Bombing in Manila, allegedly claimed to hit been master minded by the Abu Sayyaf group, caused both open furor and emotion in the said terrorist group.

Warfare takes locate when digit opposing countries or groups take arms against one another. Warfare commonly arises when these digit groups fail to settle an supply diplomatically. There are a aggregation of forms of warfare. This includes subject war, insurrection or rebellion, coup d e’tat, guerilla warfare, and modify terrorism.

Aside from the digit world wars, another warfare hit dotted the transpose of the world throughout her history. In the Philippines, warfare is current among the government forces and the Communist rebels, as well as with the Abu Sayyaf terrorist groups, and the Muslim separatist movements (MILF and MNLF).

Power Outage
Power outage is the interruption of power supply in a destined place. Power outage haw take locate for a brief period of time or modify a longer pace. Power outage is commonly current during incidences of earthquakes or typhoons. Short-term power outage is normal, and haw take locate for an hour or two.

On the another hand, long-term power outage haw hamper personal, medical and emergency, and business activities. The power outage during the Aquino and Ramos Administrations had hampered the economy of the Philippines, while the power outage in New York in 1977 had drive subject disturbance.

Radiation Contamination
Radiation dirtying are personalty of the ingest of nuclear weapons, emotional airborne hot particles, or nuclear fallout, in the surrounding.

Radioactive outcome causes death and long-term personalty that pose jeopardize modify to the next generation. One example of irradiation dirtying occurred after the United States dropped atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It contaminated the matter and liquid supplies, modify putting the lives of half of the cities’ accumulation into danger. The same is also genuine when the reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant suffered meltdown in 1986. Today, Chernobyl is an ghost town; no one lives there for emotion of nuclear start out.

Weapon of Mass Destruction
Of every the man-made hazards and disasters, the instrument of accumulation destruction is the most nouveau. The weapons of accumulation destruction are also titled as the CBRNs (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear). According to Wikipedia (2007), it is a “nonconventional imp threat” that when utilised haw kill a aggregation of people.

The Halabja pedal poisoning, reputedly initiated by Saddam Hussein, is one example of the ingest of instrument of accumulation destruction. These disasters and tragedies are danger to the manlike being that weakens their morale.

Indeed, when these tragedies strike, emotion and despair reign in the hunch of people. Indeed, this is the time that wish is needed to ready emotion at niche that grouping haw conceive that there is still a future that’s stored for them.

When do we feel the greatest need for hope? Is it when trials come? Or is it when our loved ones are taken by death? But what is wish that modify amidst tragedies, some continue to remain standing?

Hope, famous in the Greek mythology as Elpis, is synonymous with the story of Pandora and her mythical box. When Pandora opened the box, she permit every the evil intend discover and roam the world, except for hope.

The Greeks considered wish to be as chanceful as the another evils, but they do know that without hope. The world would be filled with despair. The Greek mythology also noted that wish was described as a physically frail fiber yet stronger than every the evils that had free the box.

The American Heritage Dictionary (2008) described wish as “a belief in constructive outcome to events and circumstances in one’s life.” However, wish also “implies a destined amount of despair, wanting, wishing, suffering, or perseverance.”

To some, wish exclusive prolongs the status that a mortal feels. To others, wish is a modify of constructive thinking, a way of fighting pessimism. In the earth of medicine, experts agree that wish and optimism hit constructive personalty in the life of a person’s health.

According to Dr. Gifford Jones, a medical journalist, “Hope is a coercive therapy,” and that optimism, Awake discussed, benefits patients due to their constructive outlook.

Such is the power of hope. The Christian Bible’s construct of wish is broader, compared to the way psychologists and doctors explain it. According tothe original texts utilised in the Bible, wish effectuation to “wait eagerly and to expect for beatific to arrive.”

Awake magazine explained that wish is imperturbable of digit elements. “It involves the want for something beatific as well as believing that beatific module come.”

According to Wikipedia (2007), wish crapper also serve as supine want and haw be “active as a organisation or idea, often against popular belief, with persistent, individualized action to execute the organisation or to prove an idea.”

Example is a mortal who never gave up his wish of getting discover from poverty. Despite every the adversities that came along his way, he strove to study hornlike at one hand and worked at the another just to make ends meet.

In conclusion, he accomplished what he aimed for because of his strong want to fulfill what he had hoped for. On the contrary, study another mortal who merely wished to intend discover from poverty but never did anything and in the end, he forfeited every the wish of becoming rich. Having wish amidst the catastrophes is such a difficult thing to do.

But there is no another way that a mortal deeply belowground in disparity crapper be saved but to wish for salvation to come. Thus, this flicker of wish that keeps on burning within his hunch serves as a motivation to move forward and support himself stand up despite the scathing adversities that continue to kibosh him from moving on.


Faith deeply plays a big conception in instilling wish to the hunch of the people.

Again, the Holy Scriptures told that to hit wish is to hit faith; that establishment and wish are intertwined and that to hit wish in the hunch is the most potent way of healing one’s self despite the most hurtful trials in life. Thus, it is wise to feature that having establishment to God is a sure soruce of hope.

Though sometimes our establishment is put to test and wish seems to waver never kibosh from seeking support from God and pray that He haw rescue you and offer you comfort despite the scorching pain that you feel inside, just what Proverbs 3: 5-6 said, “trust in the Lord with every your hunch and lean not in your own understanding. In every your ways, acknowledge Him, and He module lead you to a straight path.”

In this world full of distress, we must act for our own survival. If wish is the exclusive thing that keeps us alive, then, we must ready a strong stop of it.

Amidst disaster, permit wish happen within the deepest parts of your wounded soul. No matter how hornlike it is we must do everything for our own good. It is better to try than not doing at all, because losing wish effectuation giving up life.

There are just too many things that we must be hopeful for. With God on our side, we crapper be assured of His promises to us. This is an sufficiency reason to be optimistic about the future. Yes, a wonderful future awaits us every and you must be a conception of it.